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5 Causes of Acne and How to Treat It

Acne treatment patient

If you’ve been battling acne during adolescence or even in your adult years, rest assured you are not alone. Acne affects as many as 50 million people in the U.S., according to the American Academy of Dermatology. Acne can develop in people of all ages and is not restricted to the face. The condition can also affect the shoulders, back and chest, adding to the cosmetic concern and physical discomfort often associated with acne.

Acne takes on different forms, which might include:

  • Whiteheads – blocked skin pores that close up, forming a bump
  • Blackheads – blocked skin pores that remain open, revealing the black color inside
  • Papules – large, hard lumps that are usually pink and tender to the touch
  • Pustules – blistered, puss-filled bumps
  • Nodules – larger bumps deep within the skin
  • Cysts – large red or white bumps that are very painful to the touch

Store-bought creams and topical remedies don’t address the underlying causes of acne, so they produce little or no positive effect for many sufferers. The Vein Care Center offers a variety of treatments that can get to the root of the condition, eliminating current breakouts, minimizing future problems and enhancing the overall health and appearance of the skin. Read on to see what causes acne and how we can help you get your condition under control.

5 Causes of Acne

Oily Skin

The skin naturally secretes an oily substance called sebum that helps keep it moist and soft. Sebum is secreted through a sebaceous gland, which is attached to the hair follicle. Changes in the body’s chemical makeup and other factors can cause glands to produce excess amounts of sebum, making it easy for blockages to develop inside the skin pores. Heavy oil secretions move up the hair follicle and onto the skin’s surface, giving your complexion a shiny sheen as the day wears on.

Clogged Pores

The excess oil and dead skin cells on the surface of the skin clog the pores and create ripe conditions for breakouts. Acne in the form of blackheads results from blockages that reach the surface of the skin. Whiteheads form when blockages sit just below the skin’s surface and the pore closes up, creating a bump on the dermis.


The body naturally produces a bacterium called Propionibacterium. When oil and dead skin cells start to accumulate inside the pores, bacteria levels also increase. These conditions cause the follicle wall to break down, which exposes nearby skin tissue to bacterial growth and fosters the formation of papules, pustules and nodules.


Hormone fluctuations during puberty, pregnancy and menopause can cause sebaceous glands to increase their oil production. These changes are why many people find their acne flares up during these times. It is also common for the hormonal fluctuations that occur during the menstrual cycle to affect acne conditions, which is why breakouts typically happen the week before a period.


Genetics can also predispose you to acne conditions. Many cases of acne tend to run in families – studies have shown the hereditary factor may range from 50-90 percent. This genetic component means that if your parents experienced problems with acne during their teenage years, it’s more likely you will as well.

Treatments for Acne

Fortunately, there are treatments for acne today that offer positive results for most people struggling with this condition. At Vein Care Center, we provide the following procedures for acne:

Laser Acne Treatment

The Cutera Excel V is a device targets the bacteria that leads to acne breakouts, serving as a practical choice for even severe acne conditions. The heat from the laser destabilizes compounds found in the bacteria, killing it and eliminating a significant source of acne. The procedure also reduces oil production to minimize breakouts after the treatment. While the laser is a powerful way to eradicate acne, it does not harm surrounding skin and tissue. The heat delivered by the laser can effectively stimulate the regenerative processes of the dermal structure to enhance the appearance of your skin overall.

Treatments with the Cutera Excel V take just a few minutes to perform, and you will not require any anesthesia before the procedure. A cooling mechanism is incorporated into the device to ensure your comfort throughout your session. After your appointment, you will be able to get back to your daily routine right away. Most patients need approximately four treatments, each spaced two weeks apart, to achieve their best outcome.


The HydraFacial offers five essential treatments in one procedure. While this procedure can benefit most skin types, it is particularly useful in addressing the fundamental problems that underlie acne-based conditions. The steps of the process include:

  • Deep cleaning
  • Exfoliation
  • Extraction (removes whiteheads and blackheads)
  • Hydration
  • Antioxidant support

The HydraFacial clears away dead skin layers, extracts dirt and debris from inside skin pores and bathes the skin in vital nutrients. The steps work synergistically to detoxify the skin while reducing the build-up of excess oils and bacterial growth. A HydraFacial can be repeated as often as necessary to maintain a clear, smooth complexion.


Microdermabrasion is designed to exfoliate the skin’s surface, unclogging pores and removing dead skin cells that exacerbate the breakout process. The device uses a handheld wand that sprays minuscule crystals across the surface of the skin. These crystals scrape away surface debris. A vacuum attachment then suctions up dead cells and other debris, leaving the skin clear and smooth.


Microneedling is a top choice for reducing the appearance of scarring left behind by acne conditions. For some patients, microneedling may even be useful in managing active acne. Dr. Aggarwal performs her microneedling treatments using the innovative Cutera Secret RF device, which combines traditional microneedling with the delivery of radiofrequency energy deep into the dermal structure to produce the most dramatic effect. The process stimulates the production of collagen to rejuvenate the skin and minimize the pockmarks commonly associated with acne.

Microneedling is performed using a numbing agent so that you are comfortable during your appointment. The device creates microchannels in the skin and then administers RF energy into the channels to stimulate collagen while enhancing the texture and quality of your skin. The procedure can also be combined with platelet-rich plasma or PRP, drawn from your blood, which triggers cell renewal for a complexion that is fresh, radiant and youthful.

Call Today to Schedule a Consultation Appointment

While each of the above procedures can help you get acne under control, a specialist can help you choose the treatment that will produce the best results for your skin type. Dr. Manu B. Aggarwal of the Vein Care Center specializes in cosmetic procedures and has the training and experience needed to deliver the effects you want. Contact us today at 419-227-4472 to schedule a consultation with the doctor.

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