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For many of us, growing older means seeing fine lines and wrinkles where there was once smooth skin. While some happily embrace these changes, you may prefer to take charge of how you age. 

With BOTOX® Cosmetic, you can turn back the clock on existing wrinkles and prevent new ones from forming within minutes and without downtime. Our providers at the Vein Care Center are trained and experienced in treating wrinkles using this prescription injectable. 

About BOTOX® Cosmetic

BOTOX® Cosmetic is a minimally invasive treatment for moderate to severe fine lines and wrinkles, primarily in the upper face. It is a prescription medicine called a neuromodulator that temporarily treats: 

  • Forehead lines
  • Frown lines
  • Crow’s feet 

The product is injected in measurements of units into specific facial muscles to temporarily relax them, preventing them from causing skin wrinkling. The active ingredient in BOTOX® Cosmetic is onabotulinumtoxinA, from which this injectable gets its name. It is a purified neurotoxin produced by the Clostridium botulinum bacterium. In its purified form and at the levels found in neuromodulators, the toxin is safe and therapeutic.

Benefits of BOTOX® Cosmetic

There are countless benefits to choosing BOTOX® Cosmetic for your wrinkle reduction. Here are just a couple of those explained: 

Quick and Simple 

A typical BOTOX® Cosmetic treatment takes less than 30 minutes and involves very little preparation. We can often perform your BOTOX® injections on the same day as your consultation, and you will be free to resume your day as usual. This is why it is called a “lunchtime treatment.”

Minimally Invasive With No Downtime 

The BOTOX® Cosmetic treatment does not involve anesthesia, incisions and long recovery periods. As a minimally invasive treatment, it is safe and convenient for a wide range of patients. 

Fast and Long-Lasting Results 

You will notice your BOTOX® results within a week from treatment. Your results will then gradually improve until they reach peak potency around two weeks post-treatment. Most people can expect to enjoy their refreshed complexion for three to five months. 

You Will Look Like You, Only More Youthful

What’s particularly attractive about BOTOX® is that it offers natural-looking wrinkle reduction. By simply relaxing certain facial muscles, this treatment softens your features without drastically changing them. 

Safe and Effective

BOTOX® has been extensively studied and tested for the past two decades and is safely used by millions of people worldwide. While side effects can happen, they are usually mild and short-lasting. 

The Procedure

A BOTOX® treatment starts with a quick consultation where we talk to you about your concerns and determine how many units of BOTOX® you will need. We will also explain the benefits and risks of treatment during your consultation. 

Before treatment, we may apply a numbing cream if you are anxious about needles to keep you comfortable. Your provider will then inject the product into the targeted muscles.

The Results 

The results of a BOTOX® treatment can become noticeable as soon as a few days post-treatment. You may notice that your skin looks smoother and your features more relaxed. This effect should become even more visible over two to three weeks when the full effect takes place. Your results should last three to five months, depending on your skin type, how many units you received and the severity of your wrinkles. 

Experience a Wrinkle-Free You at the Vein Care Center in Lima, OH

Wrinkles may be inevitable, but that does not mean there’s nothing you can do to reduce their appearance. BOTOX® Cosmetic is a convenient solution for nearly anyone concerned about fine lines and wrinkles of the upper face. At the Vein Care Center, board-certified family physician Dr. Manu B. Aggarwal is licensed and experienced in treating wrinkles with BOTOX® Cosmetic. 

To experience the benefits of BOTOX® Cosmetic yourself, contact the Vein Care Center here or call us today at 419-227-4472.

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