Microdermabrasion – What is it Exactly?
Microdermabrasion is a gentle exfoliation using “salt-like crystals”. The handheld device glides over the skin, gently delivering the crystals across the skin in a sweeping motion, removing dry skin and exfoliating the area(s) treated.
The microdermabrsion is a stand-alone treatment that many use as maintenance for smooth, vibrant skin. However, it is also more effective when you combine it with proper skin care and possible laser treatments (if indicated).
Patients who seek this treatment, may have concerns of acne, uneven skin tone, dry skin, fine lines, wrinkles, mild pigmentation issues or milia. Often times, extractions can be performed after the treatment to remove white and black heads. Patients who have fine telangectasias (spider-like veins on the face) or patients with rosacea may notice worsening of the redness due to the vessels “bursting” under the surface of the skin. Patients who present with facial telagectasia and rosacea may want to consider laser treatments in conjunction with microdermabrasion.
Laser treatments are done immediately after a microdermabrasion. This can allow better penetration of the laser as the skin surface is smoothened first and any debris is removed first. Patients who have rosacea or telangectasia would be advised to first have laser treatments to those areas first and then can have a gentle microdermabrasion once the vessels have been cleared.
Patients can use an exfoliating brush at home (like Clarisonic) to maintain their skin on a daily basis. We also recommend daily use of sunscreen (like our Skinceuticals SPF 50 with tint) and a good skincare regimen. Skincare does not need to be complicated. However, just as many maintain their body with exercise and nutrition, the same should be done for the skin. Simple and fast regimens are easier for patients to maintain. Here are 5 simple steps that can help maintain long-lasting skin, free of sun damage and aging:
Wear sunscreen daily and reapply if needed.
Cleanse the face on a daily basis and be gentle.
Beware of mixing multiple product brands especially if you have sensitive skin.
Consider antioxidant (Vitamin C) serums. These can be pricey, but worth it in reversing sun damage while brightening skin and reduce signs of aging.
See a dermatologist yearly for full body skin check – ups.
Contact The Vein Care Center to schedule an appointment for your Microdermabrasion Treatment today. For more information about these treatments now, visit our Microdermabrasion information page.